Wednesday, April 27, 2011

pictures talk :: 2

1. This was a day before my birthday.
    They all planned to prank me with the photoshoot picca. cis korang :D

specky me :D

me & farah

nenek & pikapikachu

diorang lagi. isk
 2. The dental week thingy. cute teeth hanging in the atrium. haha

yana with her GIGI

pikachu with GIGI

pikachu again!!

shaking lak :D

on the way out on my birthday :D
3. These food are prepared by the N&D students. yummy!

afi with the empty containers :D -yep. she ate them all 
4.  Here are the food during C1-03-04 party.
luvvvvv the ayam goreng. slurppp

p/s: baru perasan banyak pics food pulak kan. teehee :p sbb saye suka makan


  1. hamboi afi..sakan sungguh gaya dia..haha

  2. makanan je yu ni tau ;D

  3. @anon: gaya afi mmg sakan. :D
    @pikachu: dah rumah kite suke makan.
    @nisa: pic kau kat entry lain :D
    @AFI: trime jela weh

  4. nice pic.. like dis entri..
    emm.. nk btaw.. link blog da tuka... skang ye.. huhu.. no more
